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Eight new planets have been discovered in the Goldilocks zone of their stars, orbiting at a distance where oceans and life could exist.科学家早已找到了8个新的有可能有海洋和生命的行星。它们坐落于这些行星的恒星的适居带上内。The discovery doubles the number of small planets less than twice the diameter of Earth which are believed to be in the habitable zone of their parent stars.该找到使直径将近地球两倍、被指出坐落于它们母恒星可居住于带上内的小行星数量刷了一倍。
Among these eight, astronomers say there are two that are the most similar to Earth of any known exoplanets to date.天文学家说道,在这8个行星中,有两个是目前为止未知所有外行星中和地球最像的。Most of these planets have a good chance of being rocky, like Earth, said lead scientist Dr Guillermo Torres, from the Harvard-Smithsonian Centre for Astrophysics in Cambridge, US.美国剑桥大学哈佛-史密森天体物理学中心首席科学家吉列尔莫·托雷斯博士说道:“这些行星中的大多数都很有可能像地球一样有岩石。”The two most Earth-like planets, known as Kepler-438b and Kepler-442b, both orbit red dwarf stars that are smaller and cooler than the sun.那两个最像地球的行星分别是Kepler-438b和Kepler-442b。
它们都绕行红矮星轨道运营。这些恒星(红矮星)不仅比太阳小,还比太阳冻。With a diameter just 12 per cent bigger than Earth, Kepler-438b has a 70 per cent chance of being rocky, the scientists have calculated.科学家估算,直径只比地球长12%的Kepler-438b有岩石的几率是70%。
Kepler-442b is about one-third larger than Earth, and the likelihood of it being rocky is around 60 per cent.Kepler-442b只比地球大三分之一,有岩石的几率大约是60%。To be in the habitable zone, also known as the Goldilocks zone, a planet must be not too hot or too cold and receive roughly as much sunlight as Earth.如果一个行星处在可居住于带上内,就必定不太热或不太冷,还不会像地球一样受到丰沛阳光的太阳光。
Too much heat from its star, and any water would boil away as steam. Too little, and the water would freeze solid.如果行星从恒星那里获得过多热量,行星上的任何水都会像蒸汽一样冷却。如果获得的热量过于较少,水就不会冻成液体。For our calculations we chose to adopt the broadest possible limits that can plausibly lead to suitable conditions for life, Dr Torres added.托雷斯回应:“为了计算出来,我们自由选择用于了或许都可以造成适和生命不存在条件的最普遍的容许标准。
”Kepler-438b receives about 40 per cent more light than the Earth giving it a 70 per cent probability of having a habitable zone orbit. In comparison, baking hot Venus has twice as much.考虑到Kepler-438b有一个可居住于带上轨道的几率是70%,这个行星受到的太阳太阳光有可能比地球多了大约40%。相比之下,十分寒冷的金星受到的太阳太阳光有可能是地球的两倍。Co-author Dr David Kipping, also from the Centre for Astrophysics, said: We dont know for sure whether any of the planets in our sample are truly habitable. All we can say is that theyre promising candidates.研究负责人之一同时又是哈佛-史密森天体物理学中心科学家的大卫·基平回应:“我们无法确认我们样本中的任何行星是不是适合于居住于。
我们不能说道它们是很有期望的候选者。”Neither of the planets are our close neighbours. Kepler-438b is located 470 light-years from Earth while the more distant Kepler-442b is 1,100 light-years away.这两个行星都不是地球的邻接。Kepler-438b距地球470光年,而更加近的Kepler-442b距地球1100光年。The team, whose findings were presented at the American Astronomical Societys annual meeting in Washington DC, studied planetary candidates first identified by Nasas Kepler space telescope.这个科研组研究了美国宇航局开普勒太空望远镜最先辨识的行星候选者。
改组的科学家还在华盛顿举办的美国天文学会年会上明确提出他们的找到。All the planets were too small to confirm by measuring their masses. Instead, they were validated using a computer program that determined they were statistically likely to be planets.所有这些行星都太小,所以无法通过测量它们的质量展开证实。但科学家用一个要求它们在统计学上有可能是行星的电脑程序展开了这项工作After the analysis, follow-up observations showed that four of the planets were in multiple star systems.分析后,先前的观测结果显示,这些行星中有4个处在多重星系中。
The research is also published in the Astrophysical Journal.《天体物理学杂志》刊出了该研究。
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