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Amazon is nearing deals with the world’s largest record labels to launch a subscription music streaming service as soon as next month, according to two people familiar with the matter. 据两位知情人士透漏,亚马逊(Amazon)相似与全球各大唱片公司达成协议交易,最慢于下月发售收费音乐流媒体服务。Pandora is also closing in on licensing agreements for an on-demand streaming service, which the internet radio provider has said it aims to debut later this year. Pandora也将要取得串流流媒体服务的许可权协议,这家互联网广播提供商回应,计划在今年晚些时候发售该服务。However, a September launch is unlikely, according to someone close to the company. 但据熟知该公司的人回应,9月发售的可能性并不大。Both companies are planning services for $9.99 a month, the price point that has become the industry standard, putting them in direct competition with Spotify and Apple Music for listeners. 两家公司皆计划以每月9.99美元——该价位已沦为行业标准——的价格发售服务,这令其它们要必要与Spotify和Apple Music争夺战听众。
If the deals go through, Amazon and Pandora will enter a crowded field as the industry looks to replace years of shrinking album sales with streaming, which has become the dominant form of digital music consumption. 如果这些交易顺利实施,亚马逊和Pandora将转入一块挤迫的领域,该行业于是以谋求以流媒体来代替多年衰退的专辑销售;流媒体已沦为数字音乐消费的主要形式。Spotify, Apple, SoundCloud, Deezer, Tidal and Google Play also offer music subscriptions for $9.99 a month, while Vevo has flagged plans to introduce a service later this year. Spotify、苹果、SoundCloud、Deezer和Google Play也获取音乐订阅者,费用皆为每月9.99美元,Vevo回应有计划在今年晚些时候发售一项服务。Spotify and Apple Music have a clear lead over the competition, with 30m and 15m paying customers, respectively. Spotify与Apple Music在这场竞争中享有显著的领先优势,其收费用户人数分别为3000万和1500万。
Amazon is likely to pay the music labels royalty rates comparable to those of Apple, according to people familiar with the negotiations. 据熟知亚马逊与唱片公司谈判的人士回应,亚马逊向这些公司缴纳的版税很有可能与苹果非常。Apple pays slightly higher rates than Spotify, which pays about 70 per cent of its revenue to music rights holders. 苹果缴纳的版税略高于Spotify,后者大约70%的收益上转交音乐版权持有者。
Amazon did not reply to a request for comment. 亚马逊并未恢复置评催促。
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